Comedian silences the audience, tells them to “man up Nigga, this is the real world”

I found the video being shared on by a several friends.  It was originally picked up by and has gotten over half a million views already.  While the actual video was recorded back in 2003, the upload on seems to be much more recent, back in July, 2012. Its telling to listen…

I found the video being shared on by a several friends.  It was originally picked up by and has gotten over half a million views already.  While the actual video was recorded back in 2003, the upload on seems to be much more recent, back in July, 2012.

Its telling to listen to a Black man talk about how therapy is for rich white people, that its a taboo for Black people, especially Black males to seek out therapy.  But then again how do you prepare for a life event when life is so preciously young?  There has to be some therapy sessions involved, right?  Then again when your living from pay check to pay check, about to be evicted, unable to prevent your car from being repossessed, it would seem that that in itself requires some therapy or at the least a life coach.

Without further editorializing the video and its content, I think my point is that shit happens all around the world and rightly so as Anthony Griffith, the comedian in the video telling his story suggests, this is the real world and we have to deal with it.  I cried, had tears going down my eyes.  I wanted to give him a hug and say that he is inspirational for getting up and being so vulnerable in front of an audience expecting him to perform the role of a clown.

Response to “Comedian silences the audience, tells them to “man up Nigga, this is the real world””

  1. Friday Round Up « Affad Shaikh

    […] in Muslim Student Associations through a leadership retreat.  Also worth checking out is this video I posted on Comedian Anthony Griffith, who had a emotional breakdown of “the worst of times and the best of times” he lived […]

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